Basic items for drawing

All basic items to make students happy   [UNPAID ADVERT]


The best to start is a B2 pencil. For less frustrations, get a quality one. Faber-Castell is my favourite brand. They fully glue the lead so it doesn't break easily.  But any pencil will do it's job really


There are so many, here I also would get a good one. Makes everything more fun and you can be sure it really erases and doesn't make funny smudges.


Again, a quality one will keep the fun up, as the pencil doesn't break and it stays sharp. On the other hand, we all know how quickly the end up in some students pockets or accidentally in the bin.

Sketch book

This can be any paper based book, follow this link for some ideas.


Willow charcoals are so much fun. They are fairly thin and easy to break, but great to use and easy to erase with your fingers or a tissue paper.

To finish the sketches, you spray the paper with cheap (!!) hairspray. This makes  charcoal stay on  paper.


All these rich colours create powerful drawings. And as you can smudge, little mistakes are easy to be fixed. Faber- Castell is my favourite brand. When the art work is finished spray some cheap hairspray on your students work to prevent the colour from smudging.

Black Pen

They make wonderful sketches! You can't erase them, but you don't need to. Find one with a fine and one with a medium tip.